Technology is changing boundaries across players, roles and entire industries.
The actors that will recognize these changes and support them, will create a much stronger brand equity than what was ever possible in the past.
Size is no longer a competitive advantage.
Its better to be a technology and profit leader, than a market share leader.
The concepts of benchmarking and best practices are at the core of the strategy offerings – today you need to be an innovator to succeed.
There is no competitive advantage in doing what others are doing – and worse, copying everything that others are doing.
Most firms are engaged in fighting turf wars, instead of finding new turf.
The main difference between mediocre firms and great ones is not just vision, but execution.
The analytics only approaches lacks synthesis and drives to do everything – load a brand of all possible attributes, please all demographics.
Creativity and design should take center stage, as well attention to Man himself; never seeing him as a means to an end, but always having his integral growth in mind.
The most interesting brands are those at the extremes of the market, not at the center.
Data analysis doesn’t help you in defining a value proposition fit for the future – it is necessary to dig out data, but it is key to be driven by theories and ideas.